As an entrepreneur, you are probably familiar with the benefits of a robust CCTV system and how it can safeguard your business property. However, are you aware that the CCTV installation processes are just as crucial as purchasing the right security system? It is true!
Failing to install the CCTV system correctly can hinder the cameras’ functionality, thus impacting your workplace’s security. To help you prevent this from happening, let us share the common mistakes to avoid when installing a CCTV system on your business property.
Mistake #1: Failing to conduct a security assessment beforehand
Once you have purchased your ideal CCTV system, you are likely eager to get the device up and running as soon as possible. That is understandable. However, you risk leaving blind spots or uncovered areas for intruders to exploit if you do not conduct a security assessment of your property beforehand.
So why is a security assessment necessary? In addition to eliminating the threat shared above, this survey can help you determine the strategic spots to install your cameras to provide maximum coverage. The inspector will also identify inconspicuous locations to place the cameras to prevent trespassers from spotting them and avoiding their line of sight.
Learn More: CCTV Camera Placement Tips For The Best Field Of View
Mistake #2: Ignoring environmental factors during installation
You will be surprised to learn that even indoor CCTV equipment can be susceptible to electrical interference, the glare of the sun, or inadequate lighting conditions. Additionally, other factors, like ambient dust, humidity, and vibration, can severely hinder the lifespan of the cameras, their storage media, and cabling.
So as you can see, environmental factors do not apply to outdoor cameras exclusively. Therefore, you must consider them when planning the deployment and installation of your equipment. Do not ignore these concerns just because your office is situated in an indoor, air-conditioned environment.
Mistake #3: Hiring a CCTV installation service without conducting research
Under the Private Security Industry Act, anyone installing CCTV cameras must possess a Security Service Provider license. This means you cannot simply hire an unlicensed technician or install the CCTV cameras yourself. However, it is essential to conduct your research before engaging the services of a CCTV installation company to ensure the business can deliver on its promises and perform an admirable job.
But given the numerous businesses in Singapore offering these types of installation services, it may seem challenging to identify the ideal enterprise. Well, fret not! By asking these vital questions, you can gauge the credibility of the CCTV installation company and ensure you choose a reliable vendor:
- How many installation projects has the company undertaken and completed?
- Have many years of service experience does the company possess?
- Does the company have the relevant accreditations to provide such services?
- What is the opinion of previous clients on the services offered by the company?
Mistake #4: Neglecting to maintain the CCTV system
Robust, quality CCTV systems are designed to be durable and reliable. In fact, most cameras are only replaced when they become obsolete and not because of malfunction. Nevertheless, like any electrical equipment, CCTV cameras require regular inspection and maintenance to ensure they operate at peak capacity.
We recommend conducting CCTV maintenance once every three months to ensure everything functions correctly. You should ensure the maintenance crew can access the equipment and cables easily so that they can intervene quickly if an issue arises. Do not think of this as an expense. Instead, think of it as protecting your long-term investment.
Keep what we shared in mind when installing your CCTV cameras, and you can rest assured that your system will be functioning correctly, elevating the security of your business property. And if you are looking for robust CCTV cameras for your enterprise, look no further than One Stop Office Solution! We offer a comprehensive catalogue of cameras at affordable prices. Contact us today to learn more about our products.